10 Reasons why you should live in Pattaya

If you’re looking into moving to Pattaya, though you’re paying too much attention to the ‘horror stories’ – here are 10 reasons why you should stop worrying and get your flights booked today! The fact of the matter is, Thailand is one of the most beautiful and accommodating destinations in the world where ultimately if you show respect, you will be afforded the same. 

1: Shopping Splendour – Pattaya is littered with all manner of night stalls, supermarkets and shopping malls. Literally anything you can think of, you’ll be able to unearth in this shopping paradise.

2: Food, Glorious Food – Thailand is world-renowned for its undeniably delicious cuisine – Pattaya in particular boasts an unrelenting array of food stalls, restaurants and snack-bars. You’ll be hard pushed to walk more than 100 metres without some delightfully inviting aromas teasing your nose buds.  

3: Golden Sands and Pristine Seas – Pattaya is well-known for having some of the most attractive beaches in the world. There is nothing quite as rewarding or refreshing as spending a day at the beach, in and out of the fresh, salt water. Vitalise your life in this truly spectacular city.

4: Inexpensive Living – In comparison to much of the world, Thailand is a very inexpensive place to live. Particularly if you are moving from the US or UK, Pattaya will feel like an absolute dream – From cheap food to low cost accommodation; why not live in a place where you can stretch your money even further?

5: Prime Real Estate – Due to the country’s ever thriving popularity, Thailand’s economy is on the rise, particularly in the Real Estate Arena. What would you rather? A one bedroom terraced flat in central London or a 3 bedroom sea-view condo with a large balcony and a swimming pool in Pattaya? Because realistically, for what you’d spend on the former, your options in Pattaya are practically endless.


6: Sunshiiiinnneeee! – While they’re few and far between; a dull day in Pattaya is a far cry more enticing than a clear day in most European countries. The warm and sunny days dominate in Thailand, which is why it is one of the most sought after holiday destinations in the World. But why should you have to enjoy it for only a week a year? Why not make the move and treat yourself to a lifetime of sunshine?

7: Improved Social Skills – For the most part, Thailand is easy enough to live in whether you speak a word of Thai or not, though you will at times be faced with having to communicate with somebody that doesn’t speak a word of English. Throwing yourself into this kind of environment will drastically improve your social skills and help you to relate to people from all walks of life – it truly is a wonderful thing.

8: Culture Shock – Although Thailand has been influenced heavily by its gargantuan tourism industry – their cultural traditions have remained steadfast. It truly is one of the most stunning and colourful places on earth! You will have no problem exploring and enjoying Pattaya, given the sheer volume of fascinating things to see and do.

9: Friends – As cliché as it is: Travel really does broaden the mind, but most important of all, you will make some truly magnificent friends. Living in such a culturally diverse city as Pattaya will ultimately introduce you to some wonderful people from all over the world.

10: The Adventure of a Lifetime – Don’t take our word for it…pack your bags, book your flights and see for yourself!